Villas at Northern Heights Homeowners Association

Keep Our Neighborhood Safe

Our Rules and Regs ask that every home keep their front lights on from Dusk to Dawn

Keep your eyes open for any persons driving or walking inside our gate that you do not know.  Be weary of porch pirates, children playing near or on our gate, vagrants using our front basins for refuge.  If you see crime, call 911 and take a picture of the perpetrators if possible.

The Phoenix Police Non-Emergency number is 602-262-6151.  The Silent Witness number is 480-WITNESS.

Dog walkers, please observe others and don’t be afraid to ask if they have their “baggy” to pick up after their pet.

City of Phoenix Grafitti hotline – 602-495-7014

Upcoming Board Meeting:

** An executive (closed) session will follow the open session. 

The executive session shall be a closed meeting pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §33-1248/33-1804(A).

Future Meeting Dates:

Monday, November 15, 2021 at 5:30 pm – Annual Meeting

  • Held at: 8163 N. 13th Way, Phoenix

Payment Information:

Mailing Payments:

Villas at Northern Heights HOA, P.O. Box 61208, Phoenix, AZ  85082

*Be sure to write your new HOA account # in the reference portion of your check.

Autopay from your Checking Account (aka “ACH”):  This is offered complimentary through 360 Community Management.  Complete the ACH form included in your welcome packet (Submit Online (Click Here) – Automatic Payment Authorization)

*Please note:  If you set-up the Auto-pay option online, this is done through a third party who will charge a service fee.  If you set this up through the management company’s office using the above ACH form, there is not a charge.

Credit Cards:  These are accepted online and is handled by a third party vendor.  This vendor will charge a fee for this service with the amount of fee disclosed prior to you submitting your payment.

Mailing General Correspondence

(including letters to the HOA, mailed-in work orders and Application for Design Review requests):


Villas at Northern Heights Homeowners Association

c/o 360 Community Management,

4130 E. Van Buren St., Suite 360,  Phoenix, AZ  85008

Helpful Links and Information:

Villas at Northern Pre-Approved Paint Schemes:

Community Landscaping:

Our landscaping company is All Year Round (AYR) Expert Tree & Landscape

Management.  They have been on board for awhile now applying Arizona Sustainable Landscape Management Best Practices to our community. The crew that is here weekly may not however notice problems with sprinkler heads or timers.  If you see any common area plants in stress or have any landscaping questions or concerns they should be sent to Kathy Apodoca at  She will be the single point of contact with 360 Property Management and AYR.

Syncing Your Car’s Homelink System with the Front Gate:

Call Park Pro and arrange ask for Larry or the Rep for Villas at Northern Heights.  He will arrange for someone to meet you to synch you car’s system.  Every car is different but usually it doesn’t work unless they open the panel so it can “learn”.  602-254-0770.


If you have a trash can with a missing or broken lid – get it replaced!  All you have to do is fill out the form on the City website.

Public Works –   *** Be sure to have your water/trash bill handy as they will require your account # and pin # to process your request.

City of Phoenix Bulk Trash Map and Schedule (click for map) *BULK TRASH MUST BE PUT OUT ON THE CURB OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY GATES

City of Phoenix Helpful Information Regarding Bulk Trash (click for link)

City Services Interactive Map:  (click for link)

Once in the map, click on the “Click and View” box towards the top of the map, then click on your chosen map location to set your City Services search location and then click the specific city service type that you are looking for on the right hand side.

Events and Things to do in Phoenix (click for link)

If you have a trash can with a missing or broken lid – get it replaced!  All you have to do is fill out the form on the City website.

Public Works –   *** Be sure to have your water/trash bill handy as they will require your account # and pin # to process your request.

Log-in to Access Owner Information to:

  • Make Payments
  • View Unit Account Payment History
  • View Unit Documents

HOA Contact Information

Community Emails

Your Board of Directors:

We’d like to thank the owners who have volunteered to help the Board:

Holiday Decorations (store decorations during the year and help put them up for the month of December)

  • Jennifer Purdon
  • Linda & Sheldon Cotten
  • Sal Paletto & Lisa Francher and granddaughter Aurelia
  • Bob & Stephen Edwards


Lighting & Landscaping (help Kathy & 360 identify any irrigation leaks, dead plants, problems being missed by the AYL weekly service; also identify any homes that are continually dark at night or appear to be out of compliance with HOA standards)

  • Leo Richardson – Lighting
  • Sarah Tyler & Scott Welch – Outside the gates oversight
  • Sheldon Cotten


Architectural Review Committee (ARC) – Review any applications from owners for changes to the front of homes or yards other than painting per the community paint pallet

  • Linda Cotten
  • Jennifer Purdon


Contracting Advisor – Help the board review bids and advise on construction projects as needed

  • Dan Arana